vrijdag 5 april 2013

Tunisia's economy

For a long time Tunisia was the economic success story of the Middle East.

Tunisia’s economy depends on tourism and the export of textiles, food product, petroleum products and chemicals. Also foreign investments are very important. The main economic partner of Tunisia is the European Union. For decades its liberal form of economy caused 4 to 5 % of annual GDP growth and with it the improvement of living standards. Especially the coastal regions are the most developed parts of the country, whereas the interior is more impoverished.

But nowadays Tunisia has to face a lot of problems because of the current political transition. With the reign of the former president Zine el Abidine Ben Ali the economic prosperity quickly spinned out because of corruption and cryonism. After the overthrow of Ben Ali, unemployment rose and tourism and foreign investments declined sharply.

Add to that the economic slowdown of the European Union, which has depressed the demand for Tunisian goods, as well as the violent efforts of Salafi Islamists to destabilize the government. Today Tunisia must see to restore foreign connections and the interior employment rate.

Let’s all hope that Tunisia’s political situation quickly restores so that the economy can flourish again, and we can all go on holiday again to this beautiful African country.



1 opmerking:

  1. Maybe it's the new president who makes wrong decisions.. Because they are still now in the process of economic reform and liberalization after decades of heavy state direction and participation in the economy. They had to make up prudent economic and fiscal planning. This has lasted for one year..
