vrijdag 12 april 2013

History of Sicily

After the African world it’s time to discover Europe. Once arrived in Sicily, we were impressed by the wonderful sceneries and monuments. We visited the cultural city and learned a lot about the history of this island.

Where shall we start? Sicily is known for her rich and turbulent history. Over the years, the island is occupied by several nations.
Let’s begin around the year 800, the Byzantine period. Some cities were conquered by the Arabs. They wanted to convert the inhabitants to the Islam but there was a heavy resistance coming from the Sicilians. 

Around the 11th century, the Norman Duke Robert Guiscard founded a Norman empire. After 30 years, he occupied the whole island. Consequently the Arabs disappeared and Italian became the most spoken language.

Afterwards, Sicily got ruled by Germany, France and Spain. First, there was the Spanish period but in 1675 France wanted the island. A complicated matter because there was a war going on between Filips II of Spain and France. The republic wanted to help but Admiral Michiel De Ruyter died in the battle of Mount Etna

In 1713, the island had to endure  a new ‘boss’, the house of Savoy. But five years later, the Savoy had to renunciate Sicily to Austria, in exchange for Sardinia. A couple of years later (1735) Sicily fell under the  reign of the Spanish Bourbons. This period was disastrous; the island gained little wealth and   did not dispose of a prosperous economy.

Don’t despair as it even gets more intricate. Around 1806, British troops occupied the island to protect them because the army of Napoleon wanted to do an invasion. This was a good thing for the inhabitants because the English put the Spanish king under pressure and a new constitution and positive period for the economy was born. Unfortunately the English left and the period of wealth was gone. In protest, the Sicilian began to live as criminals, so the mafia was born. 

(More information about the mafia in Sicilia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNF4HZF9f48.)

Armed with the army of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Sicilians protested the Bourbons. Rapidly, they conquered the whole island and made the crossing to the Italian mainland

Finally, the Italian republic, the union of the Italian mainland and the islands Sicily and Sardinia, was born. Fortunately, the long history resulted in a happy ending!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. The history of a country is not as interesting as other things you can discover. But Sicily has a lot of beautifull ruins with wonderfull stories. Definitely worth visiting!

  2. Our guide could continue to talk for hours of the history of Sicily. In the picture below, you can see ou have a perfect view of a city. Most of the buildngs have the same shape and layout.
