vrijdag 12 april 2013

Politics in Italy

Italy has a constitutional monarchy, supported by the Republicans. In the 19th century the authority of the Vatican was very powerful, but nowadays this power has been drawn back to a more ceremonial power.

Politics in Italy has a history of fascism. After Italy’s victory in WWI the democratization in Italy was interrupted by the Fascist regime of Mussolini, even though the king was still there. In the 1920’s Mussolini was elected, and his party abolished all non-fascism parties, banned the freedom of expression and created an alliance with the Nazis. The rule of this disastrous regime ended with the defeat in WWII. This was the time for other parties such as Socialists and anti-fascist Christian Democrats to take over the power.

Nowadays Italy is constitutional Republic. The President of the Republic has a ceremonial power. He is elected by the Parliament and his task is to approve and sign laws and he is also head of the army. The prime minister leads the government. Italy is quite a unique case concerning politics because both chambers of the parliament have equal powers. Without the control of the two chambers the government cannot legislate.

Today, the political situation in Italy is a bit chaotic. The previous elections didn’t turn out well.
The two most popular parties are the party of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the M5S party, the Five Star Movement founded by Beppe Grillo in 2009. Unfortunately this last party has no comprehensive plan for running the country.

Specialists say that Italy will get at best a weak and divided government. Let’s hope this situation will evolve in a positive way.


1 opmerking:

  1. I found you could notice that the political situation in Italy is quite chaotic. Silvio Berlusconi is a man with a lot of power, and he uses it to achieve things. Hopefully, the inhabitants aren't bothered by his behaviour.
