zaterdag 4 mei 2013

Politics of Norway

Unfortunately, we have already arrived in our last country! We end our trip in Norway. As everybody knows it’s a country in North-Europe and their neighbours are Sweden, Finland and Russia. We stayed some days in the capital Oslo. Let’s have a look at their political system , their  foreign relations and administrative divisions.

Norway is a constitutional monarchy with Harald V. as king (since 1991). Important to know is that the country is now independent. Till 1905 they were part of the union with Sweden.

As said they have a king but the council of Ministers or the government has the executive force.  The government consists of a coalition of the Labour party, Socialist party and the Centre party and premier Jen Stoltenberg is the leader. Next to this there is a parliament with 169 members, elected every four years. It  is the highest political department of Norway.   This current system exists since 2009.

Now some more details about the government. Their task is to present bills.
Furthermore, the minister-president, the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of financials are the most important posts. Next to this there are more than 20 parties in Norway. The principals are “De Arbeiderpartier, Kristelig Folkeparti, Høyre, Venstre, Fremskrittspartiet ,Sosialistisk Venstre and Senterpartiet”.

What about Norway and international relationships? They are the co-founder of the VN, the NAVO, the council of Europe, the Norway council, the EER, the WTO and the OESO. Nevertheless, they aren’t member of the European Union. Which means they still pay with their own currency; the Norwegian Kroner (NOK).

We also thought of the provinces and the communities in this country. There are 19 provinces and 434 communities. The communities are responsible for the primary and secondary education, social services, municipal roads, water, sewerage and town and country planning. Also every four years elections are held.

We are now at the end of our trip and blog and would like to thank you to follow us. We hope you have enjoyed our blogs and maybe we get to see you another time, during another trip, on another blog!




1 opmerking:

  1. The clothes the man wears in the picture is wonderful to see. We had also the possibility to wear them! Amazing isn't it?
